Phone: 310 374-2153, Fax: 310-374-0292

"Every Stone Radiates a Continuous Flow of Positive Energy"

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Retail Store or Online Retailer

All Stones
Are Exquistely
Hand Engraved

Free Spiral
Card with
each Stone

Here's What Retailers are Saying About SagaWise Stones!

SagaWise sells extremely fast, outsells others 3 to 1!

SagaWise Stones sell extremely fast! The colors and textures draw people to the stones. Customers love the positive meaning and feelings they get from the stones. I have had other impulse inspirational stones at my front counter and SagaWise outsell the others 3 to 1. I’ll be phasing out the others and carrying SagaWise. I would absolutely say to any retailer: “Get SagaWise stones for your store, you will sell them!”      B. Bergt, Providence Alaska Medical Center Gift Shop Anchorage, AK

Best Selling Impulse Item in Hallmark store of 27 years...

SagaWise Stones have turned out to be one of the best selling impulse items we have ever had in our store of 27 years. Most people buy multiple stones. They get excited when we lay them out on the counter, The more they see, the more they buy, they find stones that fit numerous people they know.

On first sight I would not have bought SagaWise Stones for our store. I did not think they would sell. But our sales rep convinced us that this was a hot item. I would highly recommend SagaWise Stones for any gift store.      Tom Casement, Sheri’s Hallmark, San Luis Obispo, California

Almost Sold out the first week ... Quadrupled re-order

We love SagaWise Stones. We almost sold out of the stones within one week of receiving our first order. We just placed our second order and we quadrupled our first order. SagaWise Stones are perfect for hospital gift shops, a great impulse item that we put at our cash counter. People end up buying a bag full.

We theme them through our store, displaying them with other items in the store, which increases sales even more. The glass display is very elegant and gives an upscale feel to our shop.      Michelle Heckle, Kaiser Permanente, Oakland, CA

Genuine SagaWise stones are engraved with the SagaWise Spiral symbol on the back of each stone. Through conscious meditation and intention, we energize the Symbol daily with the energies of infinite love, healing, light, joy, abundance, prosperity, peace, and the infinite possibilities and miracles of the universe. Each stone radiates these energies through the energetic resonance of the Symbol and it is our intention that many people receive these energies, making a difference in their lives, enabling them to connect more deeply with the source of all blessings and remember the truth of who they are.